Course Description:
This presentation focuses on the effective management of exertional heat stroke in athletics. This course will provide an in-depth understanding of the underlying principles and best practices for managing this type of medical emergency. Participants will also learn how to identify and address common causes of failures in preparing for exertional heat stroke management. The presentation will also review and analyze the core components of the emergency action plan (EAP) and how they can impact the ability to manage medical emergencies. By the end of this course, participants will be able to develop effective and practical procedures for managing exertional heat stroke in athletics and improve their performance in this critical area.
BOC Domains of Athletic Training:
Domain I - Risk Reduction, Wellness, and Health Literacy
Domain II Clinical Evaluation and Diagnosis
Domain Ill - Critical Incident Management
Domain V - Healthcare Administration and Professional Responsibility
Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to:
Practice Gap:
Athletic trainers and other healthcare providers may lack a thorough understanding of the underlying principles and best practices for managing exertional heat stroke in athletics, leading to common failures in preparing for and managing this type of medical emergency. This knowledge gap may result in delayed or ineffective treatment and a lack of coordination among emergency responders during athletic events. Furthermore, healthcare providers may not have a clear understanding of the core components of the emergency action plan (EAP) and how to use it to manage medical emergencies. As a result, there is a critical need for training and education to address these gaps and ensure the safety and well-being of athletes during athletic events. This presentation aims to address these gaps and provide practical strategies for the effective management of exertional heat stroke in athletics.
Clinical Bottom Line:
The clinical bottom line of this presentation is the importance of developing effective and practical procedures for managing exertional heat stroke in athletics. This requires a thorough understanding of the underlying principles and best practices and identifying and addressing common causes of failures in preparing for exertional heat stroke management. Additionally, reviewing and analyzing the core components of the emergency action plan (EAP) can significantly impact the ability to manage medical emergencies. By implementing these strategies, medical professionals can improve their performance in managing exertional heat stroke and ensure the safety and well-being of athletes during athletic events.
Summary Conclusions: