BIOGRAPHYDr. MaryBeth Horodyski has a long history of service to the athletic training profession. Dr. Horodyski has been an active member of the NATA for over 40 years with 30 of those years in both SEATA and ATAF. Her extensive leadership roles include NATA Vice-President (2014 to 2016), NATA District IX Director (2012 to 2016), NATA Research and Education Foundation Vice-President of External Affairs (2009-2013), SEATA President (2006 to 2012), SEATA Secretary/Treasurer (5 years), SEATA Treasurer (4 years), and co-chair for the Research and Education Committee (2 years). She also served as the NATA Chair of the Executive Council for Education and is the incoming Vice-President of Research for the NATA Research and Education Foundation. She was most recently inducted to the National Academies of Practice-AT as a Distinguished Fellow. She graduated from Lock Haven University (PA) with a BS in HPERD and athletic training. She completed her master’s degree in exercise physiology at Iowa State University while working as an athletic trainer for the Athletic Department. She then worked at the United States Military Academy, West Point, NY for eight years initially as an assistant athletic trainer and later as the head athletic trainer in the Department of Physical Education. During her time at West Point she earned a master’s degree and doctorate in applied human physiology at Columbia University. In 1992, Dr. Horodyski joined the University of Florida faculty as the Director of the Graduate Athletic Training Program and as the Director of the Athletic Training/Sports Medicine Education and Outreach Program, servicing 12 high schools, a community college, a community/industrial setting, and 2 campus locations. In August 2002, she became the Director of Research for the Department of Orthopaedics and Rehabilitation at the University of Florida. She also holds joint appointments in the College of Public Health and Health Professions (Department of Physical Therapy) and the College of Veterinary Medicine (Small Animal Sciences). Dr. Horodyski has obtained research funding through numerous research and program development grants. She has over 150 publications in peer-reviewed journals and is a frequent speaker for the Student SEATA Symposium, NATA symposiums, and numerous other professional national and international organizations. Dr. Horodyski currently conducts research in orthopaedic trauma as she continues her research in care of the spine injured patient. Due to her research successes, Dr. Horodyski was elected to become a member of the Cervical Spine Research Society, which is an organization of only 350 members. Dr. Horodyski is one of only five non-physician members. Dr. Horodyski has been recognized for her contributions to athletic training and the community, including the Superior Civilian Service Award, a medal from the US Government (1992), the ATAF College/Professional Athletic Trainer of the Year Award (1997), the Bronze Gator Award for service to the community from the Gainesville Sports Organizing Committee (1997), the NATA Service Award (2000), SEATA District IX Award (2002), the ATAF Hall of Fame (2004), NATA Most Distinguished Athletic Trainer Award (2004), SEATA Award of Merit (2006), SEATA Hall of Fame (2008), the recipient of the NATA Fellow Award (2011), the NATA Gail Weldon Award (2011), NATA Hall of Fame (2017), and the Tim Kerin Award (2022). Dr. Horodyski and her husband, Bob, reside in Gainesville, FL. They have three children: Nicole (a certified athletic trainer and PA; married to Casey Scott), Bobby (married to Laura Zdziarski-Horodyski, PhD, ATC), and Jonathan. They were host parents of Christian and Frederik Benzon from Denmark. |