Eric Fuchs

Active 9mo ago Joined 31 Dec 2023 (GMT-12:00) International Date Line West

Topic Idea - Tactical Medical Response

With all of the unfortunate events going on around the country over the last decade, I think it'd be great to have good information and understanding about how to treat injuries such as stab wounds and gunshot wounds using supplies most ATs have. Having worked as an EMT and Paramedic, I've treated these wounds utilizing EMS supplies many times. But we don't always have the same supplies EMS would use and would need to adapt to use what we do have. I would love to see a discussion on tips and …


I think another parallel talk or include in this should be AT's introduction to Triage Systems and also for AT's to start learning about NIMS and ICS so they will know how to integrate into these when things go wrong. Additionally AT's working various large events from marathons to large spectator and team events need to become more aware of the free courses and training by the NC4s -National Center for Spectator & Sport Safety part of the National Domestic Preparedness Consortium who put on a variety of FEMA approved courses to help and for AT's to understand the Event Action Planning P or Incident ActionPlanning P.   I feel like basic NIMS ICS courses 100, 200, 300, 400 and 800 which can all be taken online and free through FEMA need to be required in CAATE Programs. 

I will be presenting about all this at NATA 2024 Convention in NOLA but this information needs to start to be incoporated into AT continuing education and AT education.  As many AT's and Sports Medicine Companies should know this for working and providing care at large events and at High schools and colleges to allow for the All Hazards approach and integration of multi agency responses.  

All this aligns with BOC PA 8 which changed Emegency Care to Criticial Incident Management  as well.